#Worms 3d cd2 series
The campaign mode puts you through a series of maps where you're regularly given objectives other than simply eliminating the enemy, usually involving picking up special packages scattered across the map. If you're by yourself, Worms 3D offers several fun diversions.
#Worms 3d cd2 full
Worms 3D is still a pretty good strategy game, but curiously, taking the game into full 3D seems to have actually detracted from some of the depth found in the 2D games. By taking the game into 3D, this tactic is made even more prominent, since there are now more sides to push opponents off of. Since all of the maps in the Worms games have been bound on all sides by water, one of the most practical strategies is to just knock a worm into the drink rather than try to whittle away at its health, since, as we all know, worms can't swim. The projectiles are definitely harder to use now than when the worms had only two dimensions to consider, which will usually force you to get a lot closer to your enemy before you launch an attack. And these are just some of the highlights.ĭespite their absurd setting and cutesy presentation, the Worms games have always been pretty serious tactical strategy affairs, with factors like the wind direction, fall damage, and the blast radius of different explosions coming into play. There are plenty of conventional weapons-bazookas, grenades, shotguns, land mines, and Uzis-but then there's the weird stuff, like the exploding sheep, the Street Fighter II-style dragon punch, and the agreeably chaotic banana bomb. The selection of weapons in Worms 3D is both vast and completely silly and definitely accounts for much of the game's appeal. Once you're where you want to be, you can choose a weapon with which to inflict damage on your opponent. You can inch around the landscape, use jump and backflip moves to get past smaller obstacles, or use special gear such as the ninja rope or the jetpack to access harder-to-reach spots, but there's also a timer in place, making sure you don't dawdle. During your turn, you're given control of one of your worms. The fundamental task in Worms 3D is to take a small team of worms and use a wide array of weaponry to dispose of an opposing team. Save for the anomalous and oddly compelling Worms Blast, all of the previous Worms games have been turn-based strategy affairs, and Worms 3D doesn't mess with that formula. Team 17's classic strategy series has finally reached the third dimension.

It's a transition that has ruined better games, but Team 17 makes the transition seem pretty easy. The differences between past Worms games have been pretty incremental, and the transition to 3D marks the biggest change the series has seen yet. But underneath all the absurdist violence, Team 17 has cleverly been sneaking in some high-quality strategy action that can be enjoyed by novice and expert players alike. It's the crux of the Yorkshire-based developer's flagship series, Worms, where cute, squeaky-voiced cartoon earthworms have been gleefully knocking the tar out of each other with bazookas, grenades, land mines, baseball bats, flying sheep, and just about anything else they can get their hands on for the better part of a decade now. Team 17 understands the value of juxtaposition.