At that 12-foot mark, there were two horizontals, and it looked like they expected the verticals to separate at that point. The water level was expected to rise up to 10 feet on the first module’s 12-foot height. Just the perimeter wall at ground level had to fail, while the rest of the curtainwall on the mid-rise building couldn’t be damaged, and had to stay in place.Īs the building would be located on a major estuary, its main floors were elevated a significant distance above the expected flood level. Why the interest? We received a request recently for a “breakaway” curtainwall system that would disconnect from the building during a flood. I’m envisioning the damage from Hurricane Sandy, not all that long ago, or even from the tsunamis that hit Japan and Indonesia.

If you’re going to build in a flood zone, the feds want walls that break away and fail if they are caught in the rising water, without damaging the remaining structure.
Even the feds have thought about this – they produced a manual called, “Design and Construction Guidance for Breakaway Walls Below Elevated Coastal Buildings,” developed as part of the National Flood Insurance Program. The stairs from the ground level might be carried off in a storm, and if you had a storage room or garage on the ground floor, you might expect some damage there. Outside of wind damage, you’d think the structure could survive an event up to the level of whatever the codes required at the time of design. But, engineers are good at doing that, and they can use the expected flood data from a 100-year storm, or worse. The foundation obviously has to be designed to withstand the action of the water against the structure, with all that dead weight of the building above it. If you have a home in a coastal area, putting it on stilts to raise the main living areas above expected flood waters from hurricanes, makes perfect sense. Or, maybe the question is can they get used to sleeping in a jail cell, with a roommate not of their choosing? While the final verdict on the fire is a couple months off, should the threat of being subject to criminal manslaughter charges be the only motivation for doing the right thing when it comes to bidding, detailing and executing a contract’s scope of work? I hope the people associated with that building can sleep at night. (Contains 13 tables and 124 figures.).This story claiming last summer’s Grenfell Tower fire spread rapidly via composite cladding panels, crossed the wire last week. A list of acronyms used in the manual are appended. A guide to the determination of acceptable risk and realistic performance objectives is followed by a discussion to establish the effectiveness of current codes to achieve acceptable performance. Chapters 4, 5, and 6 outline the steps necessary in the creation of design to address risk management concerns for protection against earthquakes, floods, and high winds, respectively. Chapter 3 introduces the concept of multihazard design and presents a general description and comparison of the hazards, including charts that show where design against each hazard interacts with design for other hazards.

Chapter 2 introduces the concepts of performance-based design in order to obtain required performance from a new or retrofitted facility.

Chapter 1 opens with a brief outline of the past, present, and future of school design. Chapters 4-6 cover the development of specific risk management measures for each of the three main natural hazards. Chapters 1-3 present issues and background information that are common to all hazards. This publication stresses that identification of hazards and their frequency and careful consideration of design against hazards must be integrated with all other design issues, and be present from the inception of the site selection and building design process. Its intended audience is design professionals and school officials involved in the technical and financial decisions of school construction, repair, and renovations. This publication covers earthquakes, floods, and high winds. This volume concentrates on grade schools, K-12. This manual is intended to provide guidance for the protection of school buildings and their occupants from natural disasters, and the economic losses and social disruption caused by building damage and destruction.
Design Guide for Improving School Safety in Earthquakes, Floods, and High Winds by Anonim Book PDF